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The municipality of San Pedro Tlaquepaque, will host the Second Edition of FICFE "International Festival of Female Choirs in Latin America".


It is located in the Central Region of the State of Jalisco and is one of the most visited destinations, due to its condition as a "Magical Town". It is a place full of music, colors, and folklore.


For some authors, the word derives from Tlacapán: "men who make clay objects"; but for others, the word Tlaquepaque means: "Place on hills of muddy soil".


Other opinions are: Tlaquepaque, from Tlalipac: "Good view"; "Cheerful view" or "Cheerful fields"; "Place that cheers the waters"; "Place of whitewashed houses"; or that Tlacpac, the root of the current name of the municipality, is: "Up on high", or "Above something". Others simply believe that it refers to Tlokenauake, the name of the impersonal god of the Nahuas.



|   EL REFUGIO   |


The main activities of FICFE (workshops, conferences, and main concerts) will take place at the EL REFUGIO CULTURAL CENTER, a place full of history and legends, with 19th-century architecture present in its façade, corridors, patios, chapels, and domes throughout the block occupied by the building. It began as a hospital where people of very diverse social levels were treated. Today it is the Cultural House of the municipality.

It houses the Pantaleón Panduro Museum with a simple concert hall but with excellent acoustics, where an extensive variety of ceramic pieces from different parts of the nation are displayed.

Also in this building is the School of Arts where classes in music, painting, sculpture, theater dance, photography, literary arts, and other disciplines are taught.

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